Humanities Computing

How is computing used in humanities scholarship? How does information technology impact teaching and learning?
Topics include: Digital libraries, electronic publishing, scholarly communication, web remediation of humanities scholarship, etc.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

TEI Projects

From David Sewell:

The University of Virginia Press has released our first online TEI-based publication, THE DOLLEY MADISON DIGITAL EDITION, in the first of two installments comprising all of Dolley Madison's extant correspondence through June 1836. You're invited to take a look:
For access to interior pages, click on "Login" and use the username
"TEI", password "orgName" (case-sensitive); this will be valid for a
couple of weeks.
All of the documents in this edition were coded in the Model Editions Partnership (MEP) variant of TEI, with introductory and supporting material in standard TEI for the most part. URLs ending in ".xqy" point to XQuery scripts that do the dynamic (or in a few cases static) HTML page generation, with underlying XML data stored in the Mark Logic Content Interaction Server database. The underlying data and code is not accessible via the reading interface, but for an idea of what the underpinnings look like, here is a walk-through based on a prepublication state of the documentary XML and the XQuery code:


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