Humanities Computing

How is computing used in humanities scholarship? How does information technology impact teaching and learning?
Topics include: Digital libraries, electronic publishing, scholarly communication, web remediation of humanities scholarship, etc.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Digital Medievalist

Lisa Spangenberg

IT: Instructional Technology

"As much as I am personally fond of things geeky and digital, quite often I see technology in instruction being used simply because it's there, rather than because it's a better way, or because the technology enhances student learning. I also see a lot of silliness in terms of technology and instruction, where a particular technology is forced on end users and faculty because some manager or administrative person thinks it's cool, or will draw fame and fortune to his career, rather than because it's effective or appropriate. Frequently faculty who would like to use technology are bewildered by the jargon and by the unfortunate arrogance of the technical experts they must work with, who, for all their technical expertise are, not surprisingly, sometimes woefully ignorant about pedagogy, and have no interest or understanding of the humanities."


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